Monday 12 August 2013

TOP Music : Concert in the Dark 2013

TOP Music : Concert in the Dark 2013

Concert in the Dark 2013
Date: 11 August, 2013
Featuring artists: Hacken Lee, Joey Tang & Elaine Gu

With musicians from People Mountain People Sea, Jing Wong, Eman Lam and etc.

Although we have never met, slowly and carefully you welcome us to your world.
The audience was led by a group of visually-impaired into the darkness. We were strangers connected by a string and were forced to stay close to each other before we were being seated.


It took a little while to warm up and got used to the pitch dark environment. It was uneasy. We were afraid, but the narration and music soothed us, especially when we learnt that we were guarded by more than 40 visually-impaired volunteers. We do not know you, but you made us feel secure. Because, this is your world. You are our eyes in darkness.

In darkness, the audience moved to the beat, got really hyperactive; or be emotional and cried out loud when the blind sang. They were truthful, powerful and believable. In darkness, there is no self-conciousness, musicians peformed freely and there is no way to distinguish a person to another, making the world a prettier place, and music sounded even better.

By the end of the show, we hold hands, people beside cheered and sang aloud together; we shared the same experience, and, we no longer feel distant anymore. We feel you.

It's my honour to share this experience with you.

Stay on TOP,

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